Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fit ‘n Right Got 2B Fit Challenge 2008 Winners

JR Marfori and Julie Puentenegra bested 8 other finalists to become the fit, fab, firm, and famous ambassadors of Del Monte Fit ‘n Right Got 2B Fit Challenge 2008.

Male Goldilocks Go Lite Special Winner:
JR Marfori
Before: 221 lbs.
Now: 194 lbs.

Female Goldilocks Go Lite Special Winner:
Julie Puentenegra
Before: 156 lbs.
Now: 141 lbs.

The Non-Winning Finalists:
Male Contestants
Alex Lindenberg
Jim Oller
Elmer Sanga
John Seprado

Female Contestants
Joanne Ignacio
Angel Landayan
Amy Macuto
Gayle Valencia

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