Friday, February 19, 2010


Has the world gone totally stark staring mad? What made the headline story of tonight's news? Was it the fact that people are still starving and without homes on this grotesquely materialistic planet, that little girls are still being abandoned in China and India, the fall-out of disasterous recent events in Haiti, etc. etc....? No, it was the fifteen minute public apology of Tiger Woods in relation to his recent infidelities that made the No. 1 spot. When the story of his infidelity first broke, it was reported that Tiger was pumping up the pre-nuptial agreement by a few million here and there, as a sweetener, to keep his wife, Elin within the sanctity of their marriage. According to newspaper reports, that appeared to work, until it was eventually revealed by means of various 'kiss and tell' stories that he had been unfaithful with at least 11 different women. I'm sure Mrs. Woods must have felt humiliated, but I find myself asking, is there not some safety and consolation in numbers?

Desmond Morris, zoologist and author of The Naked Ape (1967), an unabashed look at the human species, wrote an article for the Mail on Sunday newspaper some time back about Tiger's debacle. He delved into Tiger's genetic history - a recipe that had somehow produced this godlike, perfection personified, voraciously sexually-appetited male, that women would not be able to resist. By the end of the article, one couldn't help thinking that Tiger was doomed from the start.

Yes, he is rather attractive in a clean cut sort of a way, but, perhaps cynically, I'm inclined to think these women were probably more attracted to the size of his name and his bank balance, than the expanse of his brain or his... whatever pet name takes your fancy! I am appalled by women who do this whole 'kiss and tell' thing for financial gain. I think its a real blow against feminity and the whole feminist cause. Its one thing to be angry to discover that you are one of 11 others, and you might be forgiven for initially wanting to 'punch his lights out', but come on.. 'kiss and tell' ... surely that is another form of prostitution.

Back to today's news conference, that seemed on the surface to be an extremely cynical attempt to get back on side with Gillette, Nike and all the other various companies that have poured millions into Mr. Woods' bank accounts. I squirmed watching the small part of it, that I could bear to watch. It was just so dreadful... so choreographed... so pathetic! And at the end of it... the hug from his mammy! Of course he might want to apologise to his wife and children and receive a hug from his mother, but was it really necessary to broadcast it to the world. Postmen, bricklayers, professional golfers, doctors, scrap metal merchants, housewives, judges, rock stars, cleaning ladies, actors, our neighbours etc...etc...etc. are being unfaithful at this very moment all over the planet. C'est la vie! Get over it!

I still don't understand what one's personal sexual life has to do with one's professional life. I remember the uproar that surrounded Bill Clinton's sexual encounter of an oral nature with Monica Lewinsky. Would having a 'blow job' from someone other than his wife, somehow detract from his performance in foreign affairs or domestic economic policies? In a way, I felt sorry for Mr. Woods today and quite possibly, he should have been discouraged by his advisors against this public display of American sugar, and kept if for the autobiography that is bound to follow.

Sadly, they say we get the kind of government we deserve, and now it would appear we get the kind of news we deserve! Mr Woods did not bear any resemblance to a tiger today, he looked more like a rather timid ... rather ordinary pussy!

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