Friday, April 1, 2011

Barack Obama Approval Rating Drops to 42%

President Obama's approval rating has reached an all time low, with 42% of polled in a recent Quinnipiac University survey saying that they feel the President is doing a "satisfactory" job in the Oval Office.

In the poll, President Obama also earned a 48% disapproval rating. A majority (50%) of Americans no longer believe the president deserves another four years in office, with only 41% saying he does.

In a March 3, 2011 poll from the same source, Obama split the responders with regard to his approval ratings, 46% to 46%. In the current poll, he runs neck and neck with a generic Republican challenger, 36% to 3%, respectively.

The latest poll on feelings about the Libyan conflict show more American's are opposed to US involvement (47%) than support it (41%). While most of the poll was conducted prior to the President's Monday night speech in which he defended his decision to involve the US military in the NATO-led intervention, 58% said they did not believe he had articulated a clear goal for the conflict.

The survey of 2,069 registered voters had a margin of error of 2.2 percentage points and was conducted between March 22 and 28.

- Source

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