Tuesday, May 13, 2008


"My next young guest is an absolute sensation in the Philippines. I never heard her sing before but at the rehearsal last night my stage manager Dean says she was really something, right Dean?" said Oprah Winfrey on what she heard about Charice Pempengco. "Yes, really strong performer. Really strong and confident." testified by Dean.

"So let's take a look." Oprah, referring to a video representation of Charice.

As narrated:

[Charice Pempengco has been lighting up the stage in her home country in the Philippines since she was only 4 years old. Described as a diva in the making, this little songstress began her career competing in talent shows belting out hits from her favorite American singers Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion. But it wasn’t until a stranger posted her jaw-dropping tv performance on Youtube that Charice became an internet singing sensation and kind of a household name. Within just 3 months, Charice’s international popularity skyrocketed. Her videos, raked up 13 million hits online. And last November, Charice was invited to guest on Star King, one of Korea’s most popular television shows. Her spectacular performance brought down the house. belting out hits from her favorite American singers.]

"Charice travelled 8,000 miles on a 15-hour flight to be here today. Singing 'I have nothing' by Whitney Houston. Please welcome 15-year old Charice Pempengco." as Oprah finally introduces Charice.

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